Saturday, August 27, 2011

an unexpected commission

desperate to look
so many times denied
forced to steal my subject
by memorizing lines

an ever pregnant brush
inspired and alive
put lines down on the canvas
but never captured life

so when you asked
i did not understand
i could not grasp
the task at hand

i simply started painting you
seducing me so still
and truth lept off the canvas
completely without will

Foolish, me.
tossing on this shifting sea
to think I could portray
without the paint involving me


Deborah Lambson said...

Beautifully said Melanie..I think you and I should do a trade of some sort. You like the beads..I like the metal work a couple of posts down. what say you? :-)

Melanie-Pearl said...

D, I say we do it! Are you talking about the twisted piece of copper, bronze and silver? I can mail you that particular mess---or let me know if there is something else for which you'd rather trade.

Surely you know I love glass inspired by the ocean....