Monday, September 5, 2011



the beautiful, rolling, open sea
stretches far beyond me
with every swirling ring of glass
reminding me the shore is past
because I sail authentically
my vessel with integrity
i will no longer feel the fear
of doubting when horizon’s clear
for failure to discover land
will never close the open hand

This piece began with the ornate copper shape that I made from copper metal clay a year ago. I have wanted to make something with it but never sat down to make it happen. After I drew my design on paper and cut it out, I glued it to the silver sheet and then sawed around it. (That's (almost .999) silver sheet I made (fired into an ingot then rolled a zillion times) with Roger's help.) Once the basic shape was there, I used the orange topped little files to smooth and shape. As I soldered the copper piece to the silver I began adding the tiny copper and silver "slugs" I've collected from all the tiny holes I've previously drilled.

The final look is unplanned and full of character---like something shaped by the sea. I love the patina so it remains unpolished. I guess it's no surprise what started basic ended up looking nautical---I've been working on the poem for a couple weeks now.


Julie said...

I keep coming back here to look at your new creation. You must keep creating these pieces of jewelry when you get the inspiration! Love this piece because it just seems like a perfect piece of jewelry for you. Momba

Unknown said...

Love your pieces Melanie! If you're still making jewelry to sell I'm going to have to get another piece! Love it!

BTW, saw a video and thought of you. Do you like Elizabeth Gilbert?
