Monday, February 11, 2008

Went to KC again this last Fri pm. Hung out with Chinagirl---Jen. I don't think we've had such a great time together in many years. I was kidless, husbandless (he was playing at the Mission Theatre) and timeless. It was nice. Except for the part when Jen almost took out a sign while driving and messing with her new bangs. I just sat there and was pretty funny. Maybe we haven't changed since high school? :) At least we weren't on a bridge. (ah-hem.)

Anyhow, the week before when we were in KC for the UrbanJohn show, Cody indulged my inner artist and meandered with me through the new building at the Nelson. The artwork in the new wing is amazing! There are lots of old B&W photographs donated by the Halls family (Hallmark, right?). There is lots of funky, Modern art, too. The more I see of this stuff, the more I really like it.

One exhibit in particular is well worth the drive. Tapping Currents displays work by current African Artists. While there are so many great pieces (check out the moving, unravelled tin spirit topper wall sculpture), Georgia Papageorge's film with the flowing red silk has been lodged in my brain since I saw it. You can go with me to see the screening on April 5 (you can read more about it hereor just go see it for yourself. You won't be sorry you took the time to meditate on and appreciate her message(click on title for full post). It is stunning; beautiful.

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