Monday, February 18, 2008


We had so much fun!

You can see from Chloe's face in the second photo that we really got her good. Since she was the first pranked, she got to go in the "prize closet" and pick the first prize. While in there, through tears, she said, "Why didn't you tell me? I think I'm gonna pass out!" She had to sit down and chill a bit.

The girls were such good sports...they were begging to be pranked! It's a good thing we did it at the farmhouse because we made quite the mess! (Think marshmallow goo-drool, silly string and skittles.) I think a few of the pranks will make it to AFV...these little girls had the most priceless expressions once they realized they'd been duped. I got a few of them pretty good. Tomorrow I'm going to figure out how to get the video from my camera to the computer and then I'll share the videos.

The last thing big prank was the most fun. If you've been around me or Chloe for the last month, you've heard our idea about the drive through. We were trying to figure out a way to make it look like the 11 year olds were on a Jeep-joyride to McD's. Friday morning I woke up with the solution: I'd lower the driver seat as low and as far back as it would go and then at ordering time, still driving, I'd lay back with my black coat over the top of my head, Chloe would hop on my lap and lean back in the window, Em would video tape from the passenger side.

We actually pulled it off three times before I chickened out and took them back to the farm. Just before the first drive through, Chloe said, "I think I'm going to puke. I don't know if I can do this!" One of the girls in back said, "You can do it, I know you can!" and that was all it took. They were pros after those first goofy looks. They never broke character and the clerks never noticed me!

As I said, Em got it all on tape with the night vision on. Since they ordered the cheapest thing three times, "Small Fry", I think I'll call the video Small Fries. You will love the looks these girls got...and how giddy they were about being watched. The manager from the first drive through watched us go from his place to the next one. By the time we hit the third stop on that corner, the manager had run over to it. We got him on video at both places. I'm pretty sure he called the cops because he was standing outside (Em even zeroed in on him for a sec) looking/waiting for someone.

I know that in a few short years these girls won't want me to play with them anymore. They will have parties where I'm not invited. Thank goodness I figured that out before it was too late. I just might have had more fun than they did.


Kim from Kansas said...


Wonder when Lil' Man will think we're too old to go to his B-party. Too soon, too soon.

Julie said...

Okay, Kim. After that comment, I am off to Lil' Man's school to have lunch with him before he thinks he is too old to have Zamma come eat with him. Last time I went, he asked me to come every day and eat with him and stay for recess. How many more years do you think that invitation is good? I'll take him a bowl of tapioca pudding, too.
What a fun party for Chloe! She didn't even realize all of us old farts were there, but it sure was fun being a fly on the wall watching the whole thing unfold! I feel like the luckiest Zamma in the whole world! After school on Friday, Chloe was having a horrible, rotten day, so I offered to take her to Target so we could stall going to the party. She was not in the mood to be around people, so she asked me to take her to Fins and Feathers to see the bunnies. What a fun time we had in that stinky place looking at the birds, mice, fish, & bunnies. She is still a little girl and to me, she always will be. What a beautiful child!

Kim from Kansas said...

Amen! What a beautiful child!

Annie said...

She will remember that party forever. What a special little girl you have.

Anonymous said...

you are SUCH a cool mama!

Anonymous said...

I need to see the joyriding video

the fredin's said...

This party probably makes you the coolest mom ever :) So what are you going to do to top this next year?? :) I can't wait to see the video!!

Hannita said...

yay! glad things went well and everyone had a good time.