Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Thank You.

I was blessed, today, by an unexpected conversation I had with a friend about how meaningful jewelry is to her. As soon as I get my shop back up and running I get to make her a very special piece.

Another friend blessed me in the most outrageous way, today, by purchasing Air Parade and then gifting it to someone who is very important to both of us. 

I have been given the opportunity to create special things for many people. (The funniest ring I ever made said, "Dirtnap" on it. It was for a roller derby chick in Michigan.) I am sure all the thanks in the world could not help me convey how grateful I am for the commissioned work I get to do. I hope this is reflected in everything I do, everything I create. I know I get paid to do this stuff (if I could afford to I would do it for free), but I seriously get so much more from this than just money.

Making jewelry, painting, etc. is just another way my spirit is actualized. I am so blessed. Thank you.

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