Sunday, April 8, 2012

More blue and a dash of silver

The darkest part of the trees are actually pure blue. You can see it well in this photo.

Sap Green/Prussian Blue//Buff Titanium
There are only three colors on this canvas. Any shades are the result of blending or thinning.

...and now a dash of silver.

The dash is silvery and just between the sky and the treeline. The other shiny is brush stroke or just wet oil.

 I thought I'd never sell this one because I painted it for me. However, the canvas is just huge and too big for me. It's probably going to end up on my friends' wall. They are going to "try it out" in their space. If it sticks, it's going to land on a wall adjacent to THIS ONE.
 I got to spend time at their house this morning and being around Three inspired me to make some changes to this new one. They love living around Three, and I really love hearing that. I'll see about getting photos of the paintings on my friends' walls. I'm pretty sure these paintings were made for them/their space. I'm just a conduit...and that's a pretty great feeling.

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