Friday, February 11, 2011

Fluff For Sale

From an email I sent a friend this week: "I have two other "safe place" images I can instantly engage when I feel my own anxiety creeping up. I actually painted and better than I could have imagined, captured my first safe place. I am still too inhibited to even attempt painting the second. I am too stretched (studies, work, family) to successfully navigate that intermittent space of trying to birth that powerful image (the imagined/subjective) into the real/objective. So, I spend a lot of time on "fluff" these days...but even that is therapeutic."

Here is some of said therapy:

Acrylic, Copper, Silver, Sealing Wax
Approximately 3"X 4" (tiny canvas)
For Sale $25.00


Annie said...

I love it. Beautiful.

Unknown said...

I agree....amazing.

Lisa Cantrell said...

This is amazing! Anytime I see something that draws my thoughts to water I begin to relax.
I may have to have this for my little collection. :o)