Sunday, May 3, 2009

Too serious Monday: Artistic Temperament

I feel at home when I am here.

(To see Ty's other great photos Click Here.)

Thought the song below fit well with what I've been reading about the Artistic Temperament. Believe it or not, last week was the first time I'd heard those two words. It came up because Cody and I are trying to help our kids bypass our less than desirable traits. Good luck with that, right?

Anyhow, I wonder what you think about the artistic temperament? I've heard my own brother say that it's dumb when artists say they feel more deeply than others. (Love you, Matt!) Hmmm. He's probably right; he's right about most things. But I do wonder if Matt has ever felt like the retarded kid in the room?

I used to think that I was retarded and no one wanted me to know it; like everyone was in on my "special-ness" but me. Sometimes I still feel that way. When Cody was a boy he walked past his own surprise party when his uncle tried to take him in. His reasoning? They were all having a party and he wasn't invited.

Do our children stand a social chance?

One of my college roommates wrote me a beautiful note last week. In it Julie said, "Mel, don’t let yourself dwell on thinking that you are messed up and have issues. That may be true, but God loves you, don’t let your mind deceive you into thinking less of yourself. God was intentional in creating you, YOU are the beautiful daughter He’s always wanted."

For now I'm praying I'll believe Julie's words whether the artist's temperament is a real thing or just a lame excuse.

1 comment:

Hannita said...

Hmm...I think that art is certainly a way to help one work out one's feelings in a different way. And, because oftentimes we are dependent upon other to validate whether something we create is "good" I think we get caught up in the question of whether we are good enough as well.