Monday, September 19, 2011

Burnt Pearls

Lately I've been burning things on purpose. I took all of this silver to a very scary place. If I had an extra arm I would have taken photos in those seconds. The silver becomes a really pretty, rose, glowing color that is best seen in the dark. (Yeah, I sometimes fire in the dark.) The only reason there is any form to these pieces is because I mercifully backed off the torch at the last second.

As I explained to a friend yesterday, there is only a few seconds difference between total failure,cool experiment and nice piece of jewelry. Since I haven't mastered knowing when to back off before it's too late, I just let these pieces go on purpose. I did learn more about those critical seconds from these pieces.

These beauties are destined for the scrap pile, but I thought I'd photograph and share them. When unpolished, they look like something I could have stolen from the dentist's office. There's lots of silver here---which is why I can't afford to sell them considering what they look like. At least this expensive material is refinable.

No, I did not actually burn pearls. I did do that a couple years ago just to see what would happen. There really was a small glass bead under all those layers of nacre. It was sure stinky!


Megs said...

omg...could i perhaps buy some pearl rings from you? do you sell them? i love them.

Megs said...

ahhh....just saw the latter part of the paragraph. i got so excited i didn't read the entire post before i asked. oh well, i love them. you should burn things more often...with less silver. :)

Lisa Cantrell said...

I was going to say the same thing and then saw the last bit and *sigh*. I like burnt, beaten, weathered, worn, tarnished. I like the character and imagining the stories something with such rugged beauty could share. Of course in this case it would likely be more screaming "Dear GOD make HER stop!" than storytelling. :o)

Deborah Lambson said...

really Lovely..I will take raw organic over polished and precise any day. <3