It is not done yet. No apologies, right? If you're in my family and you're on here, I love you.
ps)I'll never tell what all the symbols mean, unless they are attached to your name and you ask.

Painting this has been about as therapeutic as actual therapy. I remember when my own therapist drew my genogram with Crayolas and I watched. I had this strange calm come over me---just watching him put the lines and colors on the paper had a hypnotic affect (a-FECT). If you would ever like me to do a genogram interview and drawing of your own family, just ask. I'd love to share the experience.
That is so amazing!!
Wow. that is looking pretty complicated.
you will have to take me thru yours sometime! 'it's amazing.
Love it! Interesting, intriguing, and insightful, and I'm not even sure what I'm looking at. Isn't that cool!
Can you share the meaning of the colors you've used?
I'm happy you made it your own. It's your family who made you who you are after all.
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