Monday, March 29, 2010


wan·der·lust   /ˈwɒndərˌlʌst/ [won-der-luhst] –noun
a strong, innate desire to rove or travel about.

He washed up in the flotsam and jetsam off the Mayan Riviera where I found him in 2006. He's missing part of a leg and he's bleached a beautiful sea-glass turquoise color. I call him Wanderlust. I love what he symbolizes to me: sage beauty, dreaming, traveling, nostalgia, journey, etc. You've probably seen him in my art, my home, my zine, my blog.

If you know me very well, you know I never sit for very long without something in my hands or on my mind. In the fall this year I will be going back to school. It's part of my own wanderlust, the next part of my journey. When I'm done in two years I'll be a marriage and family therapist. The part I am most looking forward to is knowing and supporting others through their own travel/journey. I can hardly wait to be a sponge the next two years.

I don't know what all the studying/practicum is going to do to my art/jewelry "play" time. I do know I can't live without it. We'll see how the re-prioritizing goes---clean toilets might end up lower on the list than I'd like. I am hoping art/jewelry time will become one of my positive coping mechanisms---and maybe thereby inspire some cool art.

Here's to the journey!

*Thanks for sharing the photo of your birthday collage, Kim. I didn't have enough time to photograph it before I gave it to you. Kim's collage includes the word "Inspire" because she has inspired me through the last few years of my journey. What a great neighbor!


Kim from Kansas said...

No, thank you!!!

Anonymous said...

When I saw Wanderlust in your 2010 Minesis, I was wondering about his/her story. I'm so glad to hear it -- very cool story.

Anonymous said...


I love you and am praying for you as you start this journey. I also love the Zines this year and hope that everyone was crazy blessed by them. Yay You!