You can also mail payment to me directly or give me a check.
Since I'm not selling these for any profit, I feel like I can say this: If you REALLY want a copy, let me know quick or send money soon. They will go to whoever speaks up first. Right now there about 20 copies (of 40) left.
I did half of the assemblage in the car yesterday (Taylor and Katy got married (!!!) yesterday in Dearing, KS). I've never done reprints and I only have this many CD's from UJ left. Maybe there will be reprints in the future and maybe UJ would make more CD's but I can't promise anything. Thanks for understanding---I'll get the scanned 'zine posted here next weekend.
ps)I forgot to mention that the whole 'zine is in color this year--Expect beautiful things!
Am I too late for a copy???? I gave up blog reading for Lent, but I meant to cheat and come back to your blog to buy the Lent-Zine, and now it's a week since your last post! Ugh. :(
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