Friday, March 7, 2008


I just drew a tshirt design idea for the Vehicles. They are all goblins sitting on a fence, complete with Dr. Z amp, drum, bass and guitar. Cody's response, "What kind of drugs are you on?"

I'm not on any drugs right now. None but Advil. I have no excuse other than that I think it's really funny.

Once the batteries on my camera are charged, I'll get a photo up.


So, I have this new bracelet design idea that I'm sitting on. I guess I've shown it to Cody, Kim and my new friend Lynn...and my mom, my brother, my dad. Okay, well, that's as sitting on it as I get.

I need to redo my site for it. Anyone know anybody I could pay $200 and be done with it? I had no idea how expensive web sites can be. Maybe it's impossible for me since my bracelets are hand made and sell for 7-8 bucks a piece?


Wait till I unveil this new stuff. If you liked the old stuff, you'll really like these. I'm even splurging on a snap press so I can get the snaps just right finally.

I think I'll take them to several craft fairs this year. Maybe I won't bother, though, if I can get local gift shops to carry them. Anyone want to do some marketing?

I think I'll be able to sell them wholesale for $5-6 bucks, direct for $8-10. They are more involved, but different more involved.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

have a friend that does fantabulous web-design. I'll ask him if he wants some czash.